1000 Suspected Cases of Spirit Possession or Witchcraft
Feb 24, 2025
Written by Dr Terence Palmer PhD
Abstract The objective was to test Remote Spirit Release’s (RSR) efficacy, otherwise known as dis-obsession by Spiritist healers, to treat mental illness.
Spirit release practitioners and Spiritists regularly apply this intervention method with variable degrees of success for people diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, it has not yet been subjected to rigorous scientific testing. Therefore, this project aims to test the efficacy of the Remote Spirit Release (RSR) technique under controlled conditions for the first time.
The project’s pilot was initiated in 2018 in response to people requesting help for a loved one diagnosed with psychosis. Family members were concerned that their loved one was not responding well to traditional medical/psychiatric treatment and were requesting an alternative approach. It was found that many patients were adversely influenced by external agencies, including the earthbound spirits of the deceased that had attached themselves to the vulnerable host. Release of the earthbound spirits resulted in the cessation of auditory hallucinations and recovery from psychosis. These initial results have led to the collection of one thousand reported suspected spirit possession cases.
The findings of this ‘First Test’ show that: • 85% of suspected spirit possession cases had earthbound spirits attached. • 74% had from one to five. • 11% had more than five. All earthbound spirits encountered were assisted in ascending to the Light.
Twenty-four different medical diagnoses were recorded, ranging from anxiety and depression to psychosis and schizophrenia. A total of twenty-seven observed symptoms included aggressive behaviour, paranoia and hearing voices.
On the method’s efficacy, it was revealed that: • 85% of cases were treated in one session that took an average time of eight minutes. • 10% took two sessions • 3% took three • 1% took four sessions • 1% of cases were more challenging a took more than four sessions. • 51% of cases were self-referrals • 31% from a family member • 11% from a concerned friend • 3% from a therapist.
A disappointing feature of the pilot was that there were no referrals from psychiatrists or other medical healthcare practitioners.
This failure is a feature that needs to be addressed.
In addition, for medicine to treat Auditory Voice Hallucinations (AVH) more effectively, the remote method needs to be taught in medical schools and applied throughout mental healthcare institutions.
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